Monday, February 21, 2011

Extract from the Citation of Military Medal of VC Ganju Lama

Citation of Military Medal
No.78763 Rifleman Ganju Lama MM
7th Gurkha Rifles, Indian Army

"On 17th May, 1944 two companies moved forward to Mile 33 on the Imphal-Tiddim Road to secure a road block position in that area. B company was operating on the East of the main road and located an enemy position with many bunkers. The leading platoon attacked and cleared the outlaying bunker area and on reaching the nala came under heavy machine gun fire from three enemy tanks which were harboured there. Rifleman Ganju Lama was No.1 on the PIAT (projector infantry anti-tank) attached to the forward platoon and on seeing their difficulty immediately stalked forward and secured a position for his weapon, although by this time the enemy tanks had opened fire with H E from their 37mm Guns, Rifleman Ganju Lama then opened fire at 60 yards range and with his second bomb scored a direct hit on a tank which was later seen to be on fire. The platoon was later recalled on orders from the company commander and Ganju Lama remained to cover their withdrawal. Throughout this action this rifleman displayed remarkable resource, coolness and entire disregard for his personal safety, setting a high example to all in his vicinity".
The London Gazette Notification
Dated 5th of October, 1944.

The Government of India also recognized the valour of this gallant by appointing Ganju Lama as an ADC to the President of India in 1964. He got his retirement from the said post in 1972. The Government of Sikkim has renamed the Ravangla- Tarku Road as Ganju Lama Road.


Picture above VC Ganju Lama with Queen of England
Picture below VC Ganju Lama with his family at Sangmoo in South Sikkim

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